Important Note: To open an account online, all applicants must be 18 years or older. If you would like to open an account with a minor, please visit a financial center for assistance. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*).
It takes 15 minutes to apply online for a new account. Here are a few of the things that we need to know to open your Citizens Trust Bank account:
- Two (2) forms of Identification
- i.e. Driver's license; Passport, State-issued id
- Social Security Number and
- Identification type (i.e. Driver's license)
- Date of birth;
- Contact information (such as address and phone number)
Once the account opening process is complete you will need to provide your opening deposit within 14 days to complete your account set up. The initial deposit can be sent to us one of the following ways:
- Visit a local Citizens Trust Bank financial center location
- By U.S. Mail send a check to Citizens Trust Bank Operations Center, 2727 Panola Rd, Stonecrest, Georgia; or through
- An external transfer from an existing bank account