Marriage and Real Estate Podcast: Unlocking Credit for Couples – featuring Citizens Trust Bank Mortgage
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Fortunately, financial literacy has become a top priority for many educators, and there are more resources available than ever before, such as free tools, podcasts, books, and videos. Social media is another platform that financial influencers use to pass on their knowledge and their own experiences of dealing with debt. The following three content creators…
Five simple actions can help you make progress toward important long-term goals this year. The Citizens Trust Bank professionals and the online Learning Center have the tools, tips, and guidance you need to make these key financial moves: 1. Review your goals to keep up with life changes Confirm that your financial plan is still…
One of the rewarding highlights is our partnership with small businesses in the community, adversely impacted by COVID-19, to participate in the Payroll Protection Program. We helped guide community businesses through the process and provided the support they needed during a time of great distress. Though the support required tremendous sacrifice from our associates, it…
The value of such a relationship is never forgotten  and is detailed in a recent Op-ed article written by Ryan Williams, CEO, co-founder of Cadre – Investing in Black Owned Banks, Key to Ending Racial Disparities. In the article Mr. Williams recounts how a Black-owned bank ( Citizens Trust Bank) helped him start his business when others…
 #BANKSNEVERASKTHAT What’s Your Scam Score? Take five minutes to become a scamspotter pro by taking the #BanksNeverAskThat quiz at Share your score on Twitter to encourage your friends and family to test their scam savviness, too. The more scamspotters out there, the harder it is for phishing criminals to catch their next victim! …
Introducing #BANKSNEVERASKTHAT Citizens Trust Bank joined with the American Bankers Association and banks across the country in a nationwide effort to fight phishing—one scam at a time. We want every bank customer to become a pro at spotting a phishing scam—and stop bank impostors in their tracks. It starts with these four words: Banks Never…
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Learn more Fraud Prevention tips HERE. Thank you for putting your trust in Citizens Trust Bank