Paycheck Protection Program Borrower Checklist



The Borrower Checklist and Calculation Worksheet document includes  two (2) tabs: First Tab contains Checklist Information and SECOND TAB provides Loan Calculation Worksheet.  The Calculation Worksheet is a tool provided to assist in your calculation of your Average Monthly Payroll used  in determining your loan amount.


The Borrower Checklist
Gather and electronically save all the required checklist items to a convenient location on your home or office computer. You will be required to UPLOAD these documents through the CTB Loan Application secure link along with your completed loan application.

The Loan Calculation Worksheet

The information gathered from the Borrower Checklist should be used to complete the Loan Amount Calculation Worksheet. Completion of this information is required to process your loan request.

This PPP loan opportunity is available to Alabama and Georgia business applicants only.